Answers To Your Dating & Union Issues

Answers To Your Dating & Union Issues

This can be perhaps one of the most asked about topics that people have from our readers, helping to make feeling since we make comics about our lesbian relationship. 😅

We compiled our responses to all or any your relationship and dating questions below–we’ll continue to increase this even as we get so feel free to continue steadily to submit your concerns right here.

How did you two meet and just how very very long are you currently together?

We came across once we had been both college that is recent that has simply relocated to Ca for the brand new jobs. I made the move that is first reached off to Chia on OkCupid (a now ancient relationship app) therefore we have already been together from the time (5 ВЅ years and counting)!

To find out more about the backstory, you’ll read our comics regarding how We Met here:

Whenever did you opt to move around in together and exactly how do you handle any hurdles (funds, parents, etc.)?

We were the typical U-haul lesbians (for example. we relocated in together essentially following the very first month of dating). We were both luckily enough become grownups have been economically separate during the right time and living on our personal.

If you’re younger, you do not have a similar luxury simply yet, before deciding to move in together with your partner so we would encourage you to focus on ways you can become independent first and supporting yourself. Additionally, there are a complete large amount of things both of you can perform together without the need to move-in.

Whenever do you understand you adored one another and they were the main one?

As soon as we proceeded our first date, the psychological connection and real attraction for all of us ended up being both instant. The greater I talked to Chia, the greater amount of time i needed to blow with her–the world could’ve stop and I also wouldn’t have noticed.

We knew We enjoyed her once I had this strong urge to tell/come down to my mother about our relationship. Chia had been the main one i desired to tell everyone during my life about.

Other signs that are important said knew she ended up being the main one:

  • We share the exact same values and want exactly the same things in life.
  • She’s my companion and I’m 110% myself whenever I’m around her.
  • Being togetthe woman with her feels like home.
  • She’s got beauty, minds, and also the sense that is best of humor.
  • We’re always growing together and supporting each other.

What exactly are some things you like and don’t like about one another?

You can find too things that are many love about Chia to list them right here, but listed here is a silly comic about things we like about one another:

And here you will find the comics on how we annoy one another because well 😂:

Do you two get into arguments and exactly how would you resolve them?

Yes! We are the same as almost every other couple on earth and can have our disagreements every once in awhile, but our goal will be always resolve them together.

Through the entire years, we have discovered a couple of techniques to accomplish that effectively–you can check always out our dos and don’ts of resolving a disagreement.

Are lesbian partners’ arguments distinct from right couples?

Great concern! Within our experience, we realize that no two relationships–whether lesbian or straight–are the exact same and exactly how partners argue stem mainly from specific characters and exactly how every person approaches/resolves conflict instead of from intimate orientation.

As an example, both in of y our relationships with ladies, these were all completely different from a single another and then we had completely different forms of arguments with this lovers at that time.

With that in mind, you can find differences that are general similarities between lesbian and right partners in terms of arguing, specifically:

  • It is easier in the other person’s shoes for us(lesbians) to put ourselves.
  • We now have unique topics/challenges we argue about.
  • There is less adherence up to a strict sex part framework so both events are on more equal footing during arguments.

We get into an even more explanation that is detailed these distinctions and similarities inside our post right right here.

How can you receive a gf?

This is the million buck concern once I was closeted and gay growing up.

While I do not have playbook so you can get a gf (and I still wonder the way I convinced Chia to be my gf), below are a few recommendations that would be helpful:

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